Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Number 13

Song & Artist: Wonderwall - Oasis
Album & Date: What's The Story, Morning Glory? - 30th October 1995
Nationality of band: English
Members at release: Paul Arthurs (Rhythm Guitar - English); Liam Gallagher (Vocals/Guitar - English); Noel Gallagher (Lead Guitar/Backing Vocals - English); Paul McGuigan (Bass Guitar - English); Alan White (Drums - English)


My rant;

Once again this track has a contentious genre. It is not different enough from the mainstream music of the time to be alternative and while i don't like the term britpop, because it sounds like a gutless genre (something that a British (and even more whiny) version of Britney would be involved with), I think that if we can assume britpop is short for BritPop(Rock) then I can contentedly call this BritPop. You might ask why Song 2 is not the same genre, and I might suggest reading above for the answer.

To the track itself: and this one traipses some contradictory memories through my brain, but musically it is almost perfect. Beautiful acoustic guitar at the start, downbeat but stirring lyrics leading to more guitars (Oasis specialise in a fuck load of guitars). The music for the first part is perfect in that it does its job of supporting the story that is being told. When you really listen to it, the music is remarkably complex, but it so brilliant you just caught up in whining along to (afteraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllll, you're my wonderwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllll)  upbeat lyrics sang in a decidedly British / whiny way. And that's a great trick that Oasis use often and very well.

As the track continues, every part grows until it pop/rocks along to its conclusion leaving you wanting more.

On a personal level, I am deeply conflicted about my feelings about this song. Obviously I really like the song, or else i would be a pecker head for putting it 14, but it reminds me of a girl I never should have dated, even for the redundant short time that we did. I often wonder if I would rate this track higher if it weren't for her. Given my complete lack of interest in what people do, i am far more interested in what comes at number 15 than what she is up to these days.

7 - America
7 - England

Band Members Country of Origin:

29 - England
25 - America
2 - Germany
1 - Tanzania

Decade Released

10 - 90's
2 - 70's
2 - 60's

Year Released

3 - 1994
2 - 1997
2 - 1993
2 - 1995
1 - 1975
1 - 1965
1 - 1991
1 - 1979
1 - 1968


3 - Alternative
3 - Grunge
2 - Rock
2 - Punk
1 - Glam Rock
1 - Post Grunge
1 - BritPop(Rock)

Sunday, 26 February 2012

If you're wondering what the little blue icon is in the browser above, it is the 'favicon'. I had no clue what the crap a favicon was, so i found a picture of cool blue guitar and then blogger shrunk it and stuck it there..... What a super world we live in.

I was trying to eat lunch at work the other day, when I heard the telltale double E played by Kurt Cobain in Smells Like Teen Spirit. It was that made me poke my head out the door to see a guy I work with listening to an ipod. I heard a few lines of Teen Spirit, the double E and then the song morphed into something else.

While I stared out in shock, it morphed back to Teen Spirit. It wasn't KC singing, or DG drumming or KN on the bass. The guy holding the ipod looked at me and said 'cool, huh?'

I replied. 'What the holy hell is this?'

'It's a mash up of SLTS and a song by Johnny Cash.'

It was balls on a stick and this guy, 21, thought it was the shiznit. . . .

I was dumbstruck, but he continued. 'You like the Chili's? I remember you telling me....'

'Yeah,' I interrupted, filled with dread. 'I love them. Why?'

He looked at the ipod and skipped a few tracks. 'You'll love this.'

My heart dropped. Someone was about to ruin a classic RHCP track, i knew it, dammit, i knew it. Sure enough the opening of Under The Bridge started. Badly. (not All Saints bad, it was still rock music after all).  But the weird thing was, the vocalist sounded a hell of a lot like Anthony Kiedis.

I can only assume that the owner of the ipod took my stunned silence as solemn, centred adoration because he offered to burn me disc of  'this song and a whole bunch of similar stuff'.

I said yes, only to discover the enemy. Am I an undercover rock cop?

Incidentally, I finally heard a Melvins track that I like. Goin' Blind from Houdini is excellent. Worth a look.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Number 12

Song & Artist: In The Meantime - Spacehog
Album & Date: 24th October 1995
Nationality of band: English
Members at release: Johnny Cragg (Drums - English); Timo Ellis (Many Instruments - English); Antony Langdon (Rhythm Guitar - English), Royston Langdon (Bass Guitar/Vocals - English); Richard Steel (Lead Guitar - English)

 My rant;

I know I go on and on about how brilliant and amazing (blah blah) all these tracks are, but honestly, I could only choose 100 from the thousands released in the multi dimensional (and very loosely defined) world of Rock, so what do you expect? the odd shit one just for fun? (Segway: Rock and Rock was originally a term to mean sex by black Americans.... love it because rock music can be BETTER than sex when you're in right space)

This track is one of my personal all time favourites and bring memories of

a) circa late 1995; Hearing it on Radio Hauraki for the first time after 8pm and not being able to sleep that night for waiting to be able to drive up to the mall and buy the single on tape.

b) circa early 1996; Listening to it in my car (1980 silver Ford Escort Mk II Ghia) after having gone to Thorne Bay with Chris, Sarah, Rebecca and Helen and the girls got drenched by a big wave when they were talking (about me probably) instead of watching the waves roll in off the rocks.

c) circa late 1996; Seeing the video clip at Big Fresh Glenfield on a tv by the checkouts after having gone up to chat up (massively unsuccessfully) Rebecca. I stood there, blocking the line waiting for the long and excellent end note to finish.

d) I could go on and on... So I will; Circa 1998, driving my dads truck about with a bunch of people in the car having a particularly awkward conversation about my sick mother with Jackson. I didn't want to have the conversation, and luckily this song came on so I told Jacko to wait until the song was over until we carried on the chat. Lucky for me, within the 5:01 we got where we were going and the conversation was avoided..... permenantly. Thanks for the memories Spacehog.

Incidentally, I thought that this Glam/Alt Rock band with the purely Alternative track at number 13 was from the States until recently, but no, they hail from Leeds in England so there you go.

Sensational opening effect, building to a simple bass and guitar riff, effect hidden everywhere, a hooehooehhoo and more effects that send shivers down my spine, slightly nonsensical lyrics that sound like they should make sense and because of that they seem to apply to your life when you are a musically impression lad of 16 (when all in all we're just like you) (Ok Ok, it's not Ok) (We love the all the all of you), The desperation of both the music and the lyrics intenses the longer the song goes until you feel that David Bowie himself is about to appear and finish the track. The short sharp chords at the back end of the track are grunty and catchy and followed by a piano bit and one last effect that finish off a song that I can never get out of my mind once i've heard it.


6 - America
6 - England

Country of Origin:

24 - England
23 - America
1 - Tanzania
1 - Germany


8 - 90's
2 - 70's
2 - 60's


2 - 1994
2 - 1997
2 - 1993
1 - 1975
1 - 1965
1 - 1991
1 - 1979
1 - 1968
1 - 1995


4 - Alternative
3 - Grunge
2 - Rock
1 - Glam Rock
1 - Punk
1 - Post Grunge

Sunday, 19 February 2012

As a young adult (ok, more young than adult) I was not the kind of kid that had girly posters on my wall. I always had football players. Paul Gascoinge, Paul Ince, Stuart Pearce, people like that. I collected alcoholic paraphernalia even though i didn't drink (see, i was single at the time so i didn't need to).

A moment came when I was listening to Tiny Music... Songs From The Vatican Gift Shop by Stone Temple Pilots (Still the best band name ever) and heard the track Trippin On A Hole In A Paper Heart and I couldn't figure out the lyrics no matter how many times I listened to them. So I searched (not googled, it was 199?? after all) for the lyrics and they blew my fucking mind. I couldn't understand them, and that was the one moment in my life when I contemplated taking mind altering drugs to try and figure out what the flying balldanglers Scott Weiland was on about. (Yes, the one moment. Peer pressure never worked with me, no matter how many times people tried, no one realised that I never did (and still don't) care anywhere near enough about what people thought of me to be swayed by public or popular opinion)

So once I banished the LSD/dope theory (Although not long after this, I was offered heroin and that was fucking terrifying.... but a story for another day and another blog... oh fuck that, i struggle finding the time for this one)

Anyways, once i got past that, i realised that i didn't need to understand it to appreciate it: NOTE: fucking read the lyrics, don't just skip them like i would.....

Don't cut out my paper heart
I ain't dyin' anyway
Take a look at eye full towers
Never trust them dirty liars

Sippin' lemon yellow booze
Ole' Leadbelly sings the blues
All dressed up on wedding day
Keep on trippin' anyway

I am, I am, I said, "I'm not myself
I'm not dead and I'm not for sale
So keep your bankroll lottery
Just have your deathbed motorcade"

Fake the heat and scratch the itch
Skinned up knees and salty lips
I'll breathe your life Vicks Vapor life
And when you binge I purge alike

Let go it's harder holding on
One more trip and I'll be gone
So keep your head up
Keep it on, just a whisper I'll be gone

Take a breath and make it big
It's the last you'll ever get
Break your neck with diamond noose
It's the last you'll ever choose

I am, I am, I said, "I'm not myself
I'm not dead and I'm not for sale
Hold me closer, closer let me go
Let me be, just let me be"

I am, I am, I said, "I'm not myself
I'm not dead and I'm not for sale
So keep your bankroll lottery
Just have your deathbed motorcade"

So after that i printed out every set of lyrics from every super track i could think of and plastered my room with them.

I suppose it drove my parents mental, but everyone who came into my room from then on, spent at least some time reading the lyrics and they all said the same thing about one track or another. "Wow, i never knew he/she said that in that song...."

It worked out well until a girl (Who shall remain nameless) spent more time with the lyrics than with me....

Tomorrow I will roll on with the list.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Excellent quote from Paul McCartney. This just cracked me up. It is from Cover Media.

McCartney insists he has no intention of retiring any time soon and wants to continue into his 80s.

"You get the argument 'make way for the young kids', and you think, 'F**k that, let them make way for themselves. If they're better than me, they'll beat me,'" he smiled.

And fair enough too. Unfortunately there are super talented young kids out there doing rock justice on the international stage. It is all 40+ guys whose best days are behing them. Is there a possible saviour (hah hah) in Rise Against? Maybe.

But where are the early 20's guys busting out and rocking?


Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Number 11 - Legs 11

Song & Artist: Cherub Rock - Smashing Pumpkins
Album & Date: Siamese Dream - 13th July 1993
Nationality of band: American
Members at release: Jimmy Chamberlain (Drummer - American); Billy Corgan (Guitars/Vocals - America); James Iha (Guitar - America); D'arcy Wretzky (Bass Guitar - America)

My rant;

This is a grunge track for starters. People could call it alternative but by 1993 grunge was not entirely alternative.

Excellent finger playing riff at the start, building up with grungy guitars and an ethereal drum beat with vocals that change from soft and inviting to to raking and disparaging in the same line.

This could almost be hard rock, but it is not fast enough for that. It's a driving song, where you feel you could be singing it so hard you crash your car, but it's ok because you tell everyone you were rocking out to the pumpkins and they go.... "sweet....."

I love it when a graunching track tosses in lines like 'who wants that honey?' and makes it beyond supercool.

Can i mention the diabolically brilliant guitar solo that wrenches its way through the middle of the track? Can i? Can i really? Yay!! It is super! There you go!!

I know this track did not perform well as a single, certainly not as well as Today, but it is a firm starter for me at number 11. Booyah!!


6 - America
5 - England


23 - America
19 - England
1 - Tanzania
1 - Germany

7 - 90's
2 - 70's
2 - 60's


2 - 1994
2 - 1997
1 - 1993
1 - 1975
1 - 1965
1 - 1991
1 - 1979
1 - 1968


3 - Alternative
3 - Grunge
2 - Rock
1 - Glam Rock
1 - Punk
1 - Post Grunge

Now, I hate to be a hater but...

Fuck that.

Really? Really really? Is this the best that rock has to offer? Foo Fighters, RHCP and Coldplay were great with a capital ROCK N ROLL, but is there really no one to come on their heels?

So, not only is grunge dead but if this years grammy's (interesting sidebar, does anyone else think of their grandma whenever they hear the word grammy.... "Hello dear, it's grammy here...." Yuk, dumb craphole of a name for an award) are anything to go by, rock is on the slab and the heart monitor ain't beepin' too loud.....

On with the list. Dammit.....

Monday, 13 February 2012

I Tunes.

I was a wee bit slow picking up on the whole itunes thing but thanks to my iphone i now have it on the laptop and it has created a problem for me.

I am a dude who needs order. I collect stuff and arrange stuff (hence the blog) I used to have all my Cd's and DVDs in alphabetical order until Aaron (eldest kid) destroyed that plan. And I mean destroyed... I collected wrestling cards, cricket cards, garbage pail kids cards, lego, books and basically if it weren't for Jen (wife) i would be that crazy dude on tv with the five hundred different brands of glow in the condoms on the wall....

However my new problem is that itunes tells you how many times you have played each track and i can't stand all the 0's so i have to play them all. And itunes tells me that i have 10.2 days of music on the laptop, not including vids. As I have so little time anyway i am trying to be methodical in my approach and start with A.

So the first problem is that the first track is something by 'Aaliyah' Who the? what the fuck? Anyway I'm pretty sure that it's going to crap from one of Jens albums, so i skipped that.

Next is Abba. Yeesh. I bought that cd when we came back from the USA and had just watched Love in Las Vegas (best live event ever....) and we picked up Abba and Elvis in a moment of madness. To be honest, Abba remind me of my mum and and Elvis is the King (Highly recommend you listen to 'a little less conversation'

Next is Ace of Base. fuck. sorry. i was 14 and trying to impress the girl next door. I think it is better if i also mention that i picked up Kerosene Hat by Cracker and August and Everything After by Counting Crows at the same time.

So whole point of this post is this: Next on the list is Alanis Morisette. That chick can fucken sing. I remember working at Big Fresh (supermarket chain based on the US market garden scenario) back in the day listening to Rick Dees and the Sunday countdown and Alanis was massive! Damn, great music and a Grammy in '94 too. I often remonstrate that music is better when they REALLY MEAN what they're playing, and she really really means You Oughta Know.

People who think chicks don't rock need a rock. in the balls.....

(I am a big believer in never letting the truth get in the way of a good story, but it is only fair to mention that Aerosmith and Airborne feature before Alanis....

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Dead Black Distortion;

So I got a hell of a shock when I found this email in my inbox from youtube with a video and this note:

"Our first ever concert. Hope you enjoy, feel free to give us constructive criticism! :D

-DBD "

I thought initially that I was being hacked and was a bit sketched out, but i googled them and found them on FB. . So I looked them up before watching them and found out what they said about themselves:

"We are a heavy metal band that is trying to mix PUNK, grunge, screamo, and general heavy metal into a big pot...thanks to any and all fans that find us!"

They turned out to be three kids from the White Rose City (York, Pennsylvania, USA) named Rob Auchey, Dakota Michael and Arik Trimmer. I am still trying figure out who plays what instrument so apologies for no names below.

And I thought, fuck me, i like punk and grunge, this could be worth a look. So once i had sent the kids and wife to bed i cranked it up and let it go.

I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting a lot. (after all, who the hell am I?) 

But once I got past the crappy camera work and the below average covers (I firmly believe no one can or should cover Nirvana and I am not a fan of Gorillaz) I was pleasantly surprised to hear two originals that i liked. Atrocious was first up, followed by Diabolic. I felt that while they were somewhat similar to one another they were pretty cool and i felt that DBD had spent some time in writing them and planning them out.

The Good;

Hell, that drummer is tight and they said he was only new so i am interested in seeing him progress. I liked the enthusiasm and stage presence of the lead singer. He was amping up the crowd and giving his music hell. The bassist seemed solid and played a nice solo

The Bad;

It is hard to criticise these guys because they are first chaps to actually 'ask' for my opinion but here goes: They lack 'togetherness' and i felt the lead singer was stuck between singing and playing and one often suffered as the other went into overdrive. This is, however, the eternal dilemma of a three piece and sadly we are not all Billie Joe Armstrong or Kurt Cobain. The good news is that they will, if they stick it out, get tighter and better. ( i suppose people could say the same thing about this average blog) Will they go nuclear like another band from York, PA; Live? (Yes, Live as in Live of Throwing Copper and Secret Samadi Fame) 

Perhaps, perhaps not. But I hope so and I am truly interested in keeping tabs on them. (if they are looking for motivation they should think about the relatively recent success of Halestorm. Google it.

And lastly;

I'm not going to pretend to be a musician. Anyone who has heard me attempt to murder my guitar will testify that I would have more success attempting the Kurt Cobain throwdown than anything else, but I am (for my sins) an opinionated, arrogant pratt and in this instance I firmly believe that these boys could use another guitarist to add some depth and Just the camera work. Rock on lads!!

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Number 10

Song & Artist: Song 2 - Blur
Album & Date: Blur - 7th April 1997
Nationality of band: English
Members at release: Damon Albarn (Vocals - England); Graham Coxon (Electric Guitar - Germany); Alex James (Bass Guitar - England); Dave Rowntree (Drums - England)

My rant;

Ze Germans are coming (said nasally).... Did I ever mention that the Germans bombed my grannies fish and chip shop? Long story...

The second song and second single on the album with 2 minutes and 2 seconds of thumping drums, simple effective riff followed by dirty dirty grinding on the guitar and insane lyrics. This is the English trying to do grunge and it was (and therefore is) alternative.

I have been told not to use names on this blog, but: Years ago when John and I started debating this list I told him it needed a 'bolter' at 10. Something that, while brilliant, is not generally considered. And this is the 'bolter'.

This song reminds me of sitting on my bed in '97/'98 listening to my neighbour Lisa tell me about some drama she was having. Radio Hauraki was on in the background and as she got to the most critical part of her story this track came on and I yelled out wooo hooo much to her disgust. She kept talking and i kept wooo hoooing until we were both laughing like meat heads.....

Ah music, bringer of memory.


5 - America
5 - England


19 - America
19 - England
1 - Tanzania
1 - Germany


6 - 90's
2 - 70's
2 - 60's


2 - 1994
2 - 1997
1 - 1975
1 - 1965
1 - 1991
1 - 1979
1 - 1993
1 - 1968


3 - Alternative
2 - Grunge
2 - Rock
1 - Glam Rock
1 - Punk
1 - Post Grunge

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

I'm thinking of the best 'complete' band. Rock band obviously.

By complete i mean the band with the most talented people in it. You could say that Freddie Mercury is the greatest frontman of all time and Brian May is the greatest rock guitarist of all time too and I would possibly agree, depending on how argumentative i am feeling, but who rates Roger Taylor and John Deacon?
(Disclaimer: RHCP are my personal favourite band and i will argue forever that Blood Sugar Sex Magic is in fact the greatest album of all time along with Throwing Copper (Live)  and a few others.)

RHCP are up there, Anthony Keidis is one of the greatest ever frontmen, Flea is probably the greatest rock bass guitarists ever and John Frusciante is a genius, but no one ever rates Chad Smith (Except me of course, that dude bangs fuck out of the skins like a madman and sadly i am nowhere near cool enough to say skins...)
Now I'm not saying that the people i'm not mentioning are crap or anything, all i'm saying is that they're not in the top twenty or so to ever do what they do.

Queen/ RHCP are lucky most bands only have one dude who is rated. Green Day = Billie Joe Armstrong; Faith No More = Mikey Patton

You have think about (as I write, 'Oops.... I did it again' has started to play. Fully wrecking my rock vibe.... that is the downside of ripping all of my wifes music to itunes and not finishing sorting it all out)

You have to think about Led Zeppelin with Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and John Bonham. Four incredibly talented dudes; all of which are probably in the top twenty or so of their position in the band.

Once again, I will come back to this in good time.

Monday, 6 February 2012

This is (another) new section of my blog which i will probably not do again but what the hell:

It's called "So what's annoying me today?"

Well two words: Alternative and Indie.

I'm going to spell out the facts and everyone who disagrees is simply wrong.

Alternative is not the word you give a band/track that is 'cool'. Alternative is a type of music that becomes popular fast, but is not the accepted popular music type of the time. Therefore, that type of music cannot be 'alternative' for long because it becomes popular
 For example; Grunge was alternative for a while until it became popular and then it was simply grunge.
The interesting thing for me is that if you look back in time, music that was truly alternative at the time is always alternative. An example is Placebo in 1998, that music was alternative at the time and still is, but bands that got on the band wagon of that particular brand of punk (post post punk, yes i meant to write post twice, glam punk whatever) did not release alternative music.

Indie music is not a fucking genre. It is just a 'cool' way of saying the band is releasing their music through an indie-pendant (see what i did there.....) label, not a major label. So if you call your music Indie, good for you, you're not actually saying anything descriptive at all.... bully for you....

Now fuck this, i'm off.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Number 9

Song & Artist: Revolution - The Beatles
Album & Date: Hey Jude (Single) - 26th August 1968
Nationality of band: English
Members at release: George Harrison (Lead Guitar - England); John Lennon (Rhythm Guitar/ Vocals - England); Paul McCartney (Bass Guitar - England); Ringo Star (Drums - England)

My rant;

Oh i do love controversy. The song at number 9 for me is not Revolution 1 from the White Album. This is Revolution, the B side from the Hey Jude single.

I know it was never a number one or even close (unlike many other Beatles Tracks according to the album "1") but fuck me this is a absolutely sensational track; Lennon screaming like a demented banshee; Lennon McCartney (if you believe they were a partnership) wrote a politically relevent song that rocked and got important people bitching about it. Think about the 60's and then every decade since then and it's not often that politically motivated songs have bitch slapped your ears and soul like this one. The Harrison/Lennon Guitars are dirty and heavy and most un-beatles.

Hoo Hoo; i love it. (mind you, poor old Ringo doesn't get a mention... at least he's still breathing I suppose)

I'll admit that there were some kick ass anti Vietnam songs in the late 60's early 70's and even Springsteen/REM in the 80's but since then no politically motivated song has kicked my ass.... (do we count American Idiot by Green Day.....)

So that's it. The Beatles at number nine and i'm still not sure if i think they are in fact a rock band. A great band, probably the greatest band ever, but a rock band??


5 - America
4 - England


19 - America
16 - England
1 - Tanzania


5 - 90's
2 - 70's
2 - 60's


2 - 1994
1 - 1975
1 - 1965
1 - 1991
1 - 1979
1 - 1993
1 - 1997
1 - 1968


2 - Alternative
2 - Grunge
2 - Rock
1 - Glam Rock
1 - Punk
1 - Post Grunge

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Dinosaur Jnr - Green Mind;

I was banging on the other day about having bought this album so here goes.

This is a 'good album'. I wouldn't cry if I never heard it again, but at the same time, i will seek it out from time to time.

Most of the songs are the same kind of vibe, good and average.

Knowing that they have released a bunch of albums since then means that they are hopefully better than this one.

Not the most interesting blog post, i know, but then again not the most interesting album.
Number 8 - The Fencing Wire Position?!?

Song & Artist: Backwater - Meat Puppets (aka 'The Pups')
Album & Date: Too High Too Die; 25th January 1994
Nationality of band: American
Members at release: Derek Bostrom (Drums - America); Cris Kirtwood ( Bass Guitar - America); Curt Kirkwood (Electric Guitar/Vocals - America)

My rant;

Wow-fricken-wee .... this is a band that barely any one knew of until they helped out with Nirvana Unplugged (aka: Kurt Cobains pre-death funeral; but that's another story)

And sadly, despite releasing the 8th best rock track of all time, they remain remarkably unknown. According my research anonymous people on the net believe they are similar to REM, STP, Soul Asylum and Sonic Youth. Well, anonymous internet people, balls to you. They are a band that have been more influential than influenced.

Be sure to check out the youtube clip (above) before carrying on or you'll just be a confussled little duck....



So this band is probably the ultimate example of an alternative band in that they do all sorts of genres while still remaining a rock band. And i'll admit i heard this song in '94 and fell in love (truly madly and other emotive words) but i only picked up the album in 2007 after a boring wedding. i'll also admit i was surprised and disappointed with the album... initially. After a few plays over a wee while i can now say that i like the album. it's not in the top 20 or anything exciting like that, but i like it.

I usually keep my rants on the actual song quite short but this one is the shortest and i hope anyone who ever gets around to reading this appreciates why.

This is a dirty track with dirty guitars, a simple but sexual riff and lyrics that define life.

"And when I wake up in the morning,
To feel the daybreak on my face,
There's a blood that's flowin' through the feeling,
With a knife to open up the sky's vein."

and lyrics just don't get much better than that.


5 - America
3 - England


19 - America
12 - England
1 - Tanzania


5 - 90's
2 - 70's
1 - 60's

2 - 1994
1 - 1975
1 - 1965
1 - 1991
1 - 1979
1 - 1993
1 - 1997


2 - Alternative
2 - Grunge
1 - Glam Rock
1 - Rock
1 - Punk
1 - Post Grunge

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Noise Rock;

I have listened to 'Goo' by Sonic Youth, the New York experimental 'no wave' (google it) band.

I feel a wee bit conflicted by the album. I reckon that had i been 2 or 3 years older i would have heard them before the grunge explosion circa 1991 and i would have really loved them.

But i feel that because i was exposed to grunge/alt rock and it took noise rock and built on it (with melody/rhythm) i will probably never become a true fan of Sonic Youth. It's like Bob Dylan, no doubt a great poet and musician but everything he did, someone has done far far better.

So i'm content to call Sonic Youth a 'bridge' band at this stage; bridging the gap from heavy metal to grunge etc. So it gives me a better idea of how grunge destroyed heavy metal in that it was just finishing off what noise rock started.

So i will keep listening to SY on and off and buy another one of their records when i get the chance (money) but next i am going to spend some emotional moments with 'Green Mind' by Dinosaur Jnr and see how i go there. According to my information DJ was influenced by SY, so i should get into it.

Rock on rittle bunnies

Oh yeah, Thurston Moore as 34th best guitarist of all time? Rolling Stone what the flying fuckballs were you thinking? yowser......