Monday, 20 February 2012

Number 12

Song & Artist: In The Meantime - Spacehog
Album & Date: 24th October 1995
Nationality of band: English
Members at release: Johnny Cragg (Drums - English); Timo Ellis (Many Instruments - English); Antony Langdon (Rhythm Guitar - English), Royston Langdon (Bass Guitar/Vocals - English); Richard Steel (Lead Guitar - English)

 My rant;

I know I go on and on about how brilliant and amazing (blah blah) all these tracks are, but honestly, I could only choose 100 from the thousands released in the multi dimensional (and very loosely defined) world of Rock, so what do you expect? the odd shit one just for fun? (Segway: Rock and Rock was originally a term to mean sex by black Americans.... love it because rock music can be BETTER than sex when you're in right space)

This track is one of my personal all time favourites and bring memories of

a) circa late 1995; Hearing it on Radio Hauraki for the first time after 8pm and not being able to sleep that night for waiting to be able to drive up to the mall and buy the single on tape.

b) circa early 1996; Listening to it in my car (1980 silver Ford Escort Mk II Ghia) after having gone to Thorne Bay with Chris, Sarah, Rebecca and Helen and the girls got drenched by a big wave when they were talking (about me probably) instead of watching the waves roll in off the rocks.

c) circa late 1996; Seeing the video clip at Big Fresh Glenfield on a tv by the checkouts after having gone up to chat up (massively unsuccessfully) Rebecca. I stood there, blocking the line waiting for the long and excellent end note to finish.

d) I could go on and on... So I will; Circa 1998, driving my dads truck about with a bunch of people in the car having a particularly awkward conversation about my sick mother with Jackson. I didn't want to have the conversation, and luckily this song came on so I told Jacko to wait until the song was over until we carried on the chat. Lucky for me, within the 5:01 we got where we were going and the conversation was avoided..... permenantly. Thanks for the memories Spacehog.

Incidentally, I thought that this Glam/Alt Rock band with the purely Alternative track at number 13 was from the States until recently, but no, they hail from Leeds in England so there you go.

Sensational opening effect, building to a simple bass and guitar riff, effect hidden everywhere, a hooehooehhoo and more effects that send shivers down my spine, slightly nonsensical lyrics that sound like they should make sense and because of that they seem to apply to your life when you are a musically impression lad of 16 (when all in all we're just like you) (Ok Ok, it's not Ok) (We love the all the all of you), The desperation of both the music and the lyrics intenses the longer the song goes until you feel that David Bowie himself is about to appear and finish the track. The short sharp chords at the back end of the track are grunty and catchy and followed by a piano bit and one last effect that finish off a song that I can never get out of my mind once i've heard it.


6 - America
6 - England

Country of Origin:

24 - England
23 - America
1 - Tanzania
1 - Germany


8 - 90's
2 - 70's
2 - 60's


2 - 1994
2 - 1997
2 - 1993
1 - 1975
1 - 1965
1 - 1991
1 - 1979
1 - 1968
1 - 1995


4 - Alternative
3 - Grunge
2 - Rock
1 - Glam Rock
1 - Punk
1 - Post Grunge


  1. Yep, this is 100% awesome and criminally underrated. They sound american but totally look british.

    Man I remember listening to the Green Man on Hauraki, back when they totally played awesome music every evening - I was put onto so many cool bands from that: Spacehog, Placebo, Seven Mary Three, Monster Magnet...

    1. I loved the Hauraki New Rock Zone. Chris and I won tickets to the Green Mans Christmas party one year with as much wild turkey bourban and speights as you could drink. Miss New Zealand was there and 8 Foot Sativa played. It was a hell of a day.
