Thursday, 2 May 2013

One of my key music moments was at 13 years old. It was 1991 and I was in my first year at Westlake Boys High School, hereafter named somewhat affectionately as 'Homo-Hill'.

Firstly, I was probably the smallest guy in the school. I had fuckoff huge glasses (thanks for that parents), a massive bright yellow school bag (thanks again) and I was particularly nervous and annoying. (I can't blame my parents for that).

Secondly, I was almost clueless about modern music except Blood Sugar Sex Magic by RHCP which had been on my cassette player for about 3 and a half months by that time. I slept with it on every night and woke up to it every morning.

Thirdly, I lived out of zone and caught a bus everyday to and from school. And of course my bus was last giving all the older kids plenty of time to steal my bag, pick on me and generally make that 40min wait a total bag of nails.... (incidentally, I'm over it. It helped make me who I am now and as I'm pretty damn stoked to be me, I can't complain about the things that got me here)

So when a ginormous 7th form guy approaches me in the line I'll admit I was not exactly over the moon. But he just said to me something along the lines of "Hey kid, do you like music?'

(Key squeaky voice) "Yes"

"Have you heard of Smashing Pumpkins?'

Now, ladies and Germans, I'll admit I thought that this dude was taking the piss. The Smashing what now? A whole number of things flew through my mind. Am I the 'pumpkin'? Am I going to get the shit kicked out of me whatever I answer? Am I going to go the music shop and ask for the Smashing Pumpkins and be laughed at or given Madonna's new album?

But it turned out the dude was legit. He probably just loved music. Once I squawked out 'No,' he rattled on about the band, the lead singer with the amazing, yet strange voice. Gish had been out for 7 or 8 months by then, and he was well into it.

I think what sticks with me is (a) I completely ignored the band until I saw their next album on a stand in Sounds music store at which point I remembered the conversation some 14-15 months earlier and bought it on the spot and (b) as I listened to it I came to the realisation that that dude had clearly been passionate enough about music to want to talk to a nerdy, unpopular and random kid 5 years younger than him about it.

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